Wow, it's an actual blog post! Yeah, I thought I'd end out the year with one of these rarities. 2010 was a wonderful, confusing, horrible, and strange year for me. I experienced the highest highs and the lowest lows of my life this year. It will certainly be memorable, but I'm more than happy to kick it to the curb and look forward to 2011. I'll be working toward a prosperous and exciting time ahead, and I hope the same for all my friends and family out there.
Of course, I can't finish out the year without showing some sort of art. I'm a little ahead of schedule for my work at IDW, so I'm ending out the year(and starting the next one) with a double page spread I'm creating for the new Transmetropolitan Art Book. It's a fancy new book in which a bunch of artists have been asked to contribute art relating to the world of Transmetropolitan, the comic series by Warren Ellis and Darick Robertson. I've posted just the sketch. I may post the pencils later. If you want to see the finished piece, you have to buy the book! All proceeds from sales of the book go toward the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund and The Hero Initiative. They have a Kickstarter campaign to help raise money for production. Check it out here and consider donating!
That's all for now. Enjoy yourselves, be safe during the holiday, and join me in 2011 as I battle to protect the innocent and destroy evil in all it's forms!