
Friday, March 12, 2010


I love to draw the Devourer of Worlds, although I may have gone a little crazy on the detail with this one. This is the first of my CGS Supershow Pre-orders. If you're planning to attend the Comic Geek Speak SuperShow convention and you want to pre-order a piece of your own, you can check out my offerings here.


  1. You went too insane! I think it's spectacular and no one would disagree but for the amount of time and what you charge you are undervaluing your genius (just like Chad says!). I hope the new owner from Supershow appreciates the effort. This is what happens when you're a perfectionist. I hope to see you doing covers some day soon!

  2. Thanks, Amber! Some characters just call for detail and my self control is minimal.

  3. I agree, that is INSANE... just way too cool!
