
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Captain Marvel, Catwoman, Nightwing, Green Goblin, Shadowcat

It's been quite a while since I last posted. I've been very busy with comics work, but I managed to squeeze these in a little while ago.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Death and Zombie Sheriff

I'm sketching some monster mini-portraits for October. On sale for $10 each on Etsy:

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012


To kick off October, I'm doing a few sketches this week that I am then selling on Etsy:

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Soldier of Freedom

The Soldier of Freedom, a character from A Once Crowded Sky, a novel by Tom King, with art by Tom Fowler, check it out: A Once Crowded Sky

Friday, September 14, 2012

Green Arrow and Black Canary

This piece is for the upcoming Superhero Weekend art auction, October 6-7 at Comic Fusion in Fleminton, NJ. The event is that weekend at the store, where they will have artists and costumers (and customers) celebrating, but if you're not in the area you can start bidding early online for some amazing art at the silent auction. Check it out!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Baltimore Cancellation

Due to my work schedule, I am forced to cancel my trip to Baltimore Comic-Con this year. I hate to do this but it comes down to making deadlines, so it has to be done. Baltimore is a fantastic show and one of my favorites every year. This was to be my last "big" show of the year, I am very disappointed that I will not be able to attend.

For those of you who put in sketch pre-orders, I will be contacting you each individually.

I'll see you next year, Baltimore!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Accepting Pre-orders for Baltimore Comic-Con 2012

I am now accepting sketch pre-orders for Baltimore Comic-Con, September 8-9. If you're going to the con, you can email me with a pre-order, which I will have finished and available to pick up at my table. I will be doing sketches at the con as well, but this helps me keep up with the demand I often receive.

Pre-pay via PayPal to avoid carrying so much cash at the con. Just send me an email at Space is limited, so sign up early!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Olive Oyl

As you can see from the dates on the cards, these were requested a year apart from each other by the same gentleman, each time at Heroes Con. What'll it be next year, Wimpy? Brutus? Maybe Castor?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Night of 1000 Wolves: battle scene

Today, the third and final issue of Night of 1000 Wolves hits the stands. To celebrate, here's a double page spread from early in the issue. Below is the step by step process that led to the final product(before lettering) that you see above. As you can see, I had a hell of a fun time making this book. Huge thanks to writer Bobby Curnow for trusting me with his words and giving me lots of awesome imagery to draw. I hope people have enjoyed reading it. Also, this is post 400 of this blog!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Marvelo vs Ramun

And of course, Ramun's trained age Edpo. Do you remember the Golden Age?