Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Pages from Night of 1000 Wolves
Last week I showed you the cover art to issue one. Now I present the art from four random pages of Night of 1000 Wolves. Written by Bobby Curnow, art(pencils, inks, watercolors) and covers by me, alternate covers by Michael Manomivibul. The first issue is in this month's Previews catalog, available for pre-order(order #MAR120377). The new Previews hits comic book stores today, so check it out amongst all the other great titles from IDW!
And Happy Leap Day!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Night of 1000 Wolves cover
Here is the cover art for issue 1 of Night of 1000 Wolves, a new project from writer Bobby Curnow and myself, published by IDW. The solicit is in the upcoming March edition of Previews for a release in May. The order code is MAR120377, so please consider pre-ordering it from your favorite comic book retail outlet. This is a creator owned book, and we really appreciate those pre-orders!
Here are the sketches leading up to this cover. As you can see, on some very wise advice I received, the final art was flipped to allow for a better flow.
Monday, February 6, 2012
No man is an island
I did this pinup as my contribution to this year's Low Concept, the second 11 O'Clock Comics Anthology. Learn more about it here. You may remember I did a pinup for last years anthology of Dinosaur Soldiers vs. Giant Robots.