
Friday, January 18, 2008

I can draw real people too!

My buddy Chris commissioned this work of himself and wife Marta for an anniversary gift. Congrats guys!
17x11, inks and pencils on paper.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

New List - Artist Blogs I Like

On the left you may notice a new page element titled: Artist Blogs I Like. I've been meaning to add this list for a while. I've started with just a few and will be adding more as I get the chance. Each of these blogs is completely original, utilizing themes and techniques I admire. Some will make you laugh, some will make you cry, some will make you pee your pants, all of them will inspire.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Now you can read all 5 issues of Scar Tissue online entirely for free, nice and legal like. Get them from in PDF format for easy viewing.

And you can read Genius J's Almanack for free there, too.

Paperback copies can still be ordered from the Scar Tissue site's online store. Signed copies are available.


Sunday, January 6, 2008 updated

I finally got around to updating the main site. I've updated the home page and added new, fresh, and exciting material to the Pages section.

Check it: